Escape ………….. or maybe not?

It’s all over the UK news. This teacher has, apparently, disappeared to France with one of his 15-year-old pupils.

And, it brought to mind the time my sister disappeared with some guy.

I don’t, unfortunately, remember the details. I think she was about 15 or 16. The guy was older – maybe in his 20s.

They went off together and were away for several days (or was it a week, or maybe longer?).

I’m sure the police were involved.

I remember my parents being out of their minds.

And I remember thinking that:

a) she knew what she was doing,
b) that my parents, for the way they treated her, deserved it (to some extent) and
c) that she had finally ‘got away’.

Except that, in reality, she hadn’t. She was back soon.

I guess the same will happen with this story too.